Emergency 02890 426587
Out of hours 02890 426587
Holywood Branch 02890 426587
Garden Lodge Veterinary Clinic, Stormont 02896207377
Garden Lodge Veterinary Clinic's home page
Emergency 02890 426587
Out of hours 02890 426587
Holywood Branch 02890 426587
Garden Lodge Veterinary Clinic, Stormont 02896207377

Pet Advice

Find some useful pet advice below

Pet Advice

Find some useful pet advice below

In an Emergency

In an Emergency

To make sure you have access to high quality care at night, weekends and bank holidays, we have chosen to partner with Vets Now, the leading provider of out of hours care.



Learn more on what makes a complete diet and which diet fits your pets age group.

Time to Say Goodbye

Time to Say Goodbye

We're here to help. 

Why Neuter?

Why Neuter?

Learn about the health benefits from neutering your pet and understand the potential disadvantages.

Why Vaccinate?

Why Vaccinate?

By vaccinating your dog you have peace of mind, knowing that you have provided protection.

Pet Passports

Pet Passports

The PETS scheme. This scheme is designed to stop the spread of rabies and other diseases into the UK while still allowing pets to travel.

Useful Links

Useful Links

Find some links that we think you might find useful.